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So much is said today, it is hard to know what is true, what is misleading and what is just plain false. This site is provided to allow the residents of Palos Verdes to make informed decisions.

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ND – PVE Councils’s pursuit of increased density.

PVE Council’s pursuit of increased density

Council attempted to pass an ordinance allowing all homes to convert space, including garages, into rentable apartments (JADUs). This would allow the number of family dwellings in the City to double. June 12, 2018 **: The City erroneously states this is required by law Dec 11, 2018 ***: When a mass of residents showed up to stop the City, the City finally came clean and told the truth… it was NOT required by CA Law **** Law shows it is not required, despite City attorney’s claims on June 12 and Ms. King’s full support and alignment. —– ** *** ****

JADU’s Not Required by law

JADU’s are optional. They do provide credit towards the
the Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) which is the state-mandated process to identify the total number of housing units (by affordability level) that each jurisdiction must accommodate in its Housing Element.

Important JADU Facts

  • JADU’s must include an already existing bedroom.
  • The owner of the resident must reside in the primary unit or JADU.
  • The size of the JADU must not exceed 500 square feet.
  • The JADU cannot be sold independently of the primary unit.
  • The JADU shall have a separate exterior access door from the primary unit, with an interior entry door connecting the JADU to the primary unit.

Measure E

Michael Kemps – Did Note Vote*

Jennifer King – Supported Measure E

Betty Lin Peterson – Supported Measure E

David McGowan – Unknown

Kevin McCarthy – Supported Measure E

Victoria Lozzi – Opposed Measure E

*according to city records

401K & PERS

A city can offer a 401k plan, but not as a replacement to the pension plan.

“The state Supreme Court last Thursday struck down one of the biggest efforts yet to force California public employees into 401(k) plans, giving unions another win in their effort to protect defined benefit retirement plans from elected leaders who want to rein in pension costs.

The court sought to write a narrow decision, finding that former San Diego mayor Jerry Sanders failed to meet with unions while he campaigned heavily for a 2012 ballot measure that promised to put most new city employees in a 401(k)-style plan instead of a pension fund. 

It was the second significant pension lawsuit that favored unions this year. In January, an appeals court held that government agencies must consider the financial harm they’re causing to public employees if they want to adjust pension benefits.”


AUGUST 07, 2018 12:50 PM,

UPDATED AUGUST 07, 2018 12:49 PM


At the League of Women Voters Candidate Forum, Michael Kemps clarified that he grew up in Rancho Palos Verdes, and not Palos Verdes Estates.

At the PVRRG Forum Michael Kemps states “I just love this city I grew up in.”

FACTCHECK REASONING: It is not a requirement to have grown up in Palos Verdes Estates to run for city council. However the statement of “this city” is on its face is false. Michael Kemps did not grow up in Palos Verdes Estates. He grew up in Rancho Palos Verdes.

Michael attended Rolling Hills High School, not Palos Verdes High School and graduated in 1989. His family home is in Rancho Palos Verdes and was purchased in 1974.


He was not registered to vote in PVE for the 2016 election, nor did he vote on

11/08/2016 general election 3496
11/03/2015 local and municipal 967
11/08/2011 local & municipal consolidated elections 755

Michael Kemps – Mailer One

Michael Kemps mailer states “We had four years of spending increases that diminished our reserves”

FACTCHECK REASONING: Expenses have decreased since 2014

2014 City Expenses were $11,111,320.
2015 City Expenses were $12,359,793
2016 City Expenses were $13,184,895
2017 City Expenses were $12,370,898
2018 City Expenses were $7,519,827

FACT CHECK REASONING: The Reserve (General Fund) has increased.

June 2014 PVE general fund balance was $9,822,486
(source 2014 CAFR)
In June 2018 PVE general fund balance was $10,255,152
(source 2018 CAFR)

Michael Kemps mailer states “Incumbents increased spending, causing increased pension costs”

FACT CHECK REASONING: New staff was hired to fill the vacancies caused by attrition and dismissals. New hires must pay the “employee” portion of their pensions – which was not required of previous employees. This results in the city decreasing pension costs.

Michael Kemps Mailer states ” Pension Costs are growing faster than our revenue.”

Michael Kemps Mailer states “The City uses Debt to fund pensions at 7.35 percent interest”

FACTCHECKS REASONING: There is no evidence the city has borrowed money to fund pensions. The 7.35 percent is the discount rate also known as the assumed rate of return, set by CALPERS and is not the interest the City pays. In actuality a higher discount rate is beneficial to the city.

Michael Kemps Mailer states “Incumbents increased spending by 23% – $4.5 million”

FACTCHECK REASONING: Incumbents took office in 2015. For 2015-2016 City Expenditures were $12,359,793. In 2018 City Expenditures were $7,519,827. This is a 39% decrease – $4.8 million.

Michael Kemps Mailer states “Incumbents depleted our savings by $6.4M to pay for the deficits”

FACTCHECK REASONING: Reserves have actually increased since 2014. Expenditures were made out of special reserves that had been previously earmarked for those projects. $6.4 Million was spent on capital improvements and infrastructure repairs.

Candidate Statements – PVE Election – Occupations

Jeff Groves – Compliance Business Owner

Jeff Groves is the president of Complianceworks, Inc.

Michael Kemps – Businessman/Technologist

Michael Kemps is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Innovative Computing Systems, Inc. A technology company.

Jennifer King – Occupation not stated

Jennifer King’s occupation is not stated on the Candidate Statements, however it is indicated as Incumbent on the ballot.

Jennifer King is a current PVE council member who’s term started in 2015.

Victoria Lozzi – Palos Verdes Estates City Treasurer/Banker

Victoria Lozzi was elected in the March 2017 municipal election and will serve until November 2020.

Victoria Lozzi is a Senior Vice President and Relationship Manager at U.S. Bank.

A banker is an employee of a bank or financial institution who services the financial needs of clients.

FACTCHECK Reasoning: The term banker is typically associated with an individual that provides financial guidance to customers. A relationship manager handles relationships with customers and is not necessarily involved in the financial aspects of the customers business.

Kevin McCarthy – Law Enforcement Executive

Kevin McCarthy is Commander of the Detective Services Group – LAPD.

David McGowan – Financial Executive

David has worked and served with numerous organizations as a financial executive, including the Southern California Committee for Olympic Games.

Betty Lin Peterson – Incumbent

Betty Lin Peterson has served on the Palos Verdes City Council – her term started in March 2015. She is currently the Mayor.